Charmaine's Names is a musical project exploring the borders of masculinity and sensuality.

Charmaine gropes for identity in a sea of perspective; confident, present, and unphased.

Balancing well rehearsed singing with improvisational performance, Charmaine never fails to draw the audience in, and change their lives forever.

Double entendres come as easily as triple to Charmaine, a master of lyrical incisiveness. His rich baritone and inhuman lung capacity weave empathetic tendrils of comedy and tragedy, leaving few unscathed by his devastating performances.

Coming from the noise scene in late 2000s Philadelphia, Charmaine now drifts around the country, touring the US and Mexico. The moment of performance is the flower of this project, and experiencing it live is the primary vector of enjoyment.

From 2014's "My Name is Charmaine and These are Charmaine's Names" to 2016's "Charmaine's Names' Names" and 2018's "Charmaine of Flowerville" we now present 2020's "Charmaine's Surname", the pandemic album. Charmaine is very excited to share these poetic ruminations with the world, and to see all your lovely faces again!

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